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Joomla 3.x. How to assign a custom link for logo

Elina Webb marzo 3, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This tutorial shows how to assign a custom link for logo in Joomla 3.x template.

Joomla 3.x. How to assign a custom link for logo

As the default setting, the link for logo is Home page. In this tutorial we will change this link to a custom link.

  1. Log into FTP/File Manager, navigate to templates/themeXXXX, open index.php file to edit:


  2. In index.php file search for the word logo and look for these codes:

                <div id="logo" class="span<?php echo $this->params->get('logoBlockWidth'); ?>">
                    <a href="<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>">
                    <?php if(isset($logo)) : ?>
    					<img src="<?php echo $logo;?>" alt="<?php echo $sitename; ?>">
    					<h1><?php echo $sitename; ?></h1>
                    <?php else : ?><h1><?php echo wrap_chars_with_span($sitename); ?></h1><?php endif; ?>
    					<span class="hightlight"></span>


    	<a href="<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>">


    	<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>

    with the new link for logo, for example:


    Click Save Changes and refresh your site, click on the logo to see that it links to the new link now.

You can also open index.php file via the Admin Panel :

  1. In your Joomla Admin panel go to Extensions -> Template Manager:


  2. Select Templates, then ThemeXXXX (the activated theme):


  3. Open index.php file from the left hand side list and start editing:


    Note: If index.php file can not be opened and edited, please check this tutorial: Joomla 3.x. Troubleshooter. CSS files are missing in template manager.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x. How to assign a custom link for logo

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