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Joomla. How to change database tables prefix in SQL file

Alex Ross July 18, 2012
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to change the database table prefix in SQL file in Joomla template.

1. If you import the dump file to your database and nothing happens on your website, you should check the database table prefix used for your Joomla installation. Go to Site > Global configuration and click on Server tab

2. Check the field "Database Tables Prefix" and copy the prefix from there.

3. Open your dump.sql file from Sources folder and choose Find&Replace tool. You need to replace all "jos_" instances with your table prefix there. Paste jos_ to the "Find" field and your prefix to the "Replace" field, then click on Replace all button.

4. Save the file and import it to your database.

5. Check your website, it should work properly now.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla. How to change database tables prefix in SQL file

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