
Galleria+jCarousel Image Gallery Team Ноябрь 15, 2010
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This is a Gallery Script that uses both galleria and jCarousel plugins.

In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a gallery should contain these lines of HTML code:

Below you can see general HTML script representation:

A <div> tag with #img id is a container for a big image. The gallery itself is represented by a bulleted list (<ul> tag) with #gallery id. Each bulleted list item (<li> tag) should contain a link to a big image.
In order to add another gallery slide you will just need to add the following HTML code construction:

You can find script related stylesheet in the main style.css file.

To customize gallery elements position you can customize these styles. Here is a list of the main style classes and ids:
•  #img – big image block id;
•  #gallery – thumbnails block id;
•  .caption – big image caption class;
•  .jcarousel-prev – gallery ‘Previous’ button class;
•  .jcarousel-next – gallery ‘Next’ button class.

Эта запись была размещена в Галерея и помечена как gallery, jQuery. Добавьте в закладки постоянную ссылку.

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