
Drupal 6.x. How to create pages Team Ноябрь 15, 2010
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This tutorial shows how to add new page in Drupal 6 and how to add link to the created page to the primary menu.

The job has to be done using the Drupal administration tools so you need to be logged in to Drupal. Use the log in form.

Adding New Page

Using the administrator menu go to the Create Content section.

At the appeared screen you’ll see the content types you can create. In this example we’ll use the Page content type. Click the Page link to start creating.

At the page creating screen please input the page title and content.

In the input format section you have 2 options: Filtered HTML and Full HTML

  • Filtered HTML — use this option if you are not planning to use complex HTML structures. The Drupal editor will format your pages content itself.
  • Full HTML — gives you full control over the page content. You can format the page yourself using HTML tags.

When you are done configuring the page click Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Check the browser address bar and copy the text after /?q=. Save this path as you’ll use it for your menu button.

Creating new menu item

When you are done adding the page using the Drupal administration menu go to Administer > Site Building and click Menus link.

Click Add Item tab

At the appeared screen input the link path. The path is the page URL that starts from /?q= symbols.

Input menu title and define it’s weight to configure the button order in the menu.

Click Save to keep your changes.

That’s all you should have a new primary menu button linked to the newly created page.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial on how to add new page in Drupal.

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