
ЧАВО относительно шаблонов

CMS/E-commerce движок и шаблон, в чём разница?

Эта статья расскажет вам, в чём разница между CMS/E-commerce движком и шаблоном.
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Do you provide RTL conversion services?

Извините, данная страница доступна только на English.…

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Using a download manager

Извините, данная страница доступна только на Español и English.…

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Links to the software you may need

Извините, данная страница доступна только на Español и English.…

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Совместимость с браузерами

Все шаблоны тестируются на совместимость со всеми популярными браузерами перед тем, как попасть в продажу. Таким образом, все наши шаблоны полностью совместимы с браузерами:

  • Trident: Internet Explorer 11+,
  • Gecko: Mozilla Firefox 50.0+,
  • Presto: Opera 38+,
  • WebKit: Safari 10.0+, Google Chrome 50.x+

Скачать последние версии популярных браузеров вы можете по следующим ссылкам:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Opera

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Selecting web server

Our website templates (FLASH site, FLASH animated, Dynamic FLASH, Dynamic SWiSH, Full Site, Full Package, Stretched, CSS, SWiSH) are created using basic HTML or FLASH technology, so they will work with any hosting provider, as they do not require any specific settings.

All cms-blog templates and e-commerce templates have special hosting requirements, which you can check at template preview.…

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How can I translate «Lorem Ipsum» text?

You don’t need to translate it, as the content is not related to the template, just replace it with yours.…

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What is «Lorem Ipsum»?

«Lorem Ipsum» is not simply a random text. It contain pieces of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and then going through the citations of the word in classical literature, …

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Latin text in templates

All our templates are created in English, but we use special content generator «Lorem Ipsum», which is in Latin.…

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I want to start a web site, but I don’t know what to do?

First of all we recommend you to decide what kind of website you want to create, will it blog, e-commerce or just static intro website. Then you need to select the template according your requirements, after selecting the template you will need to have hosting place and domain name to install the website, basically these all main steps.

If you …

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