
Simple Image Gallery Team Ноябрь 15, 2010
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This is a Simple Image Gallery plug-in that is using several basic jQuery functions.

Below you can see the jQuery script representation. This script does not require any configuration.

Below you can see the example of gallery HTML coding:

Here the big image which is placed to the <dt> tag gets id #largeImg. When you click the thumbnails (small images), the path to the big picture is replaced by the link that is specified by href parameter for each thumbnail. Each thumbnail itself is placed to the <dd> tag.
In order to add a certain amount of thumbnails you need to add the following structure to the gallery HTML coding:  

Here images/big-image2.jpg is the path to the big image and images/sm-image2.jpg is the path to the small image. Usually you just need to change the image filename.

Эта запись была размещена в Галерея и помечена как gallery, jQuery. Добавьте в закладки постоянную ссылку.

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