
The Infoboxes Team Ноябрь 15, 2010
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Информационные блоки — это элементы интерфейса, которые содержат только один вид информации. Любой мнфоблок включает в себя заголовок и содержание. Ниже приведен пример такого заголовка и часть информационного блока.

Файл Boxes.tpl.php содержит классы для вывода информации. Комплект какого-либо класса содержит таблицу с параметрами и контентом, которая далее передается на класс набора. Как и все остальное состоит из заголовка и содержания, так и для инфоблока используется два класса — «infoBoxHeading» и » infobox «.Учитывая, что инфоблоки могут быть различной конструкции, то необходимо использовать различные типы классов для вывода. Для этого есть механизм наследования, то есть стандартный класс наследуется несколько раз под разными именами.
Инфобоксы делятся на несколько типов:

  • Строка данных (Категории, бестселлеры, информация, FAQ, партнерство, информационные страницы, статьи, корзина, ссылки, сейчас на сайте);
  • Продукты (Лучшее, Специальные предложения, Обзоры, Новинки);
  • Блоки ввода (Выбор шаблона, быстрый поиск, производители, валюта, расширенный поиск, Рассказать другу, язык, моя учетная запись).


Infobox Name
Data Type
(the category box)


Outputs the list of links for the category products.
This box is the compulsory one in the template.

(the box of the most popular products)


Outputs the list of links for the best selling products.
(the links to sub-pages box)


Outlines the list of links for the sub-pages.
Has the next points:
Terms and Conditions
Shipping and returns
New Item Step 1
Gift Voucher FAQ
Contact Us

(Frequently Asked Questions)


Outlines the list of links to the frequently asked questions

Affiliate Info
(the Affiliate info box)


Has a list of two links to the affiliate links pages.
Affiliate Information
Affiliate Log In

Info Pages
(the box of links to the non-standard sub-pages)


Contains the list of links to the pages added by user.
On default contains one Company Info link.

(the box of links added by user)


By default contains two links: “New Articles” and “All Articles»
Shopping cart



On default (when the cart is empty) contains text 0 items.

If the shopping cart has any kind of products it gets to the following view.
The Box contains the list of products which are currently in the shopping cart and in the very end there is the total sum of money calculated to pay for the cart’s entry.

(the box of links to the external resources)


The Box consists of the number of links to the external resources.
By default, it has two links: 2nd Category, CRE Loaded

Who is online
(the box reflects to the number of visitors)


The box contains the text «currently there is 1 guest online»
Featured Products
 (The box of presented products)
The box shows the product image, its name and price.
(The box contains one of the products from the «special offer» list)
The box shows the product image, its name and price.
Product Reviews
(The box contains the product with the visitors’ opinion for it)
The box has the product image, part of the text description, and the rating to the rank of 5.
Latest Product
(The box contains the product from the list of «latest arrivals»)
The box shows the product image, its name and price.
Quick Find
(Box search by product)
Input box

The box has an input field, search button, the text: «Use keywords to find the product you are looking for» and the text Advanced Search link. The text and the link «Use keywords to find the product you are looking for» and an Advanced Search link which are optional.

(the list of manufacturers)
Input box
The list contains a drop down box.
(the list of currency)
Input box
The list contains a drop down box.
Advanced Search
(the box of site and product search)
Input box

The box has an input field, search button, the text: “Use keywords to find the product you are looking for” and the text Advanced Search link. The text and the link “ Use keywords to find the product you are looking for” and an Advanced Search link which are optional.

 (Localization Box)
Input box

Contains the icons that represent the flags of the countries localisations.

Эта запись была размещена в CRE Loaded, Туториалы CreLoaded , Шаблоны интернет магазинов и помечена как CreLoaded, e-commerce, infobox. Добавьте в закладки постоянную ссылку.

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