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WordPress Blogging themes. How to manage post social sharing buttons

Sarah Vaynbaum August 10, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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Hello, this time we are going to learn how to work with sharing icons in WordPress Blogging themes.

In order to locate the file and apply the changes, we need to perform the steps, mentioned below.

  1. Enter the cPanel or FTP, depending on what you are using. Go to the wp-content/yourtheme/inc folder there.

  2. Search for a template-tags.php file.

    WordPress Blogging themes. How to manage post social sharing buttons
  3. You should find the following part of the code in this file:

    $defaults = apply_filters( 'king_news_default_args_share_buttons', array(
    'facebook' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-facebook',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'Facebook', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '$s&t=%4$s',
    'twitter' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-twitter',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'Twitter', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '$s&text=%4$s',
    'google-plus' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-google-plus',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'Google+', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '$s',
    'linkedin' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-linkedin',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'LinkedIn', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '$s&title=%4$s&summary=%5$s&source=%3$s',
    'pinterest' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-pinterest',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'Pinterest', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '$s&description=%4$s&media=%6$s',
    ) );
    WordPress Blogging themes. How to manage post social sharing buttons1
  4. We need to add one more part of the code, right before the closing tag. In our case it will be Instagram (feel free to change it to different icon):

    'instagram' => array(
    'icon'      => 'fa fa-instagram',
    'name'      => esc_html__( 'instagram', 'king_news' ),
    'share_url' => '',
  5. Social icons themselves can be taken from the official FontAwesome website.

  6. After the changes were submitted, do not forget to save them in file and re-upload it to the website.

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WordPress Blogging themes. How to manage post social sharing buttons
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