
Installing Fonts in Mac OS 8, 9 or OS X Classic Team November 15, 2010
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Installing your Type 1 or OpenType .OTF fonts on Mac OS 8.6 to 9.1 or OS X “Classic” requires ATM Light 4.6 or later (4.6.2 for OS X Classic).

If you are running Mac OS X, decide if you want to install fonts into both the Classic environment and the OS X native environment, or only for carbon/native applications. If you want your fonts to be accessible to both Classic and carbon/native applications, install into the Classic environment. If the fonts only need to be accessible to carbon/native applications, install into the OS X native environment instead.

Note: Do not move the entire folder containing the fonts into the system location. The Mac OS can only read font files that are loose in the system font location; it can’t read files inside another folder.

If there is an installer for the fonts, run it. It will create a folder called Adobe fonts to install wherever you want to place it. By default it will go to the root level of your startup disk (normally your main hard drive).

To install your fonts using a font management utility (e.g., ATM Deluxe, Extensis Suitcase, Font Reserve, or MasterJuggler), refer to that utility’s documentation for instructions on adding and activating the fonts. You may want to reorganize the font files before you add them to a utility, so they’re not spread out in so many folders. For suggestions on how to organize your font files, see document 241317 in the technical documents section of the Adobe Web site (”).

If you are using ATM Light, without a font management utility, such as ATM Deluxe, use the following instructions to install the fonts:
  • Before installing your fonts, quit all active applications.
  • Open the “Adobe fonts to install” folder on your hard drive, or go to the location you downloaded the fonts to. Each font package or collection will be in its own folder.
  • Install your fonts in the System Folder:Fonts folder. Do this by moving or copying all the font files from their individual font folders into the System Folder:Fonts folder. For PostScript Type 1 fonts, this includes both the outline font files (red A icons) and the font suitcases. Often a family of outline fonts will share a single font suitcase. OpenType .otf fonts are single-file fonts, and do not require font suitcases.
  • For example, move the “Orato” outline font file, the “OratoSla” outline font file, and the “Orator” font suitcase file out of the Orator folder into the “System Folder:Fonts folder”.
  • Note: Do not move an entire folder, containing fonts, into the “System Folder:Fonts folder”. The Mac OS can only read font files that are loose in the “System Folder:Fonts folder” it can’t read files inside another folder.
  • The fonts are now installed and will appear in the font menus of your applications.  OpenType fonts installed in Mac OS X Classic will also appear in the font menus of native and Carbon applications.
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