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Monstroid Theme Documentation


Here are described some technical tricks, which allow you to use framework features in better ways.

Icon Trics

Editing font icons

Font icons can be added using Shortcode interface (Insert shortcode). Shortcodes that provide the font icon option include an Icon picker element. Using this option you can preview and select the required icon.

Font icon script is added to the child-theme, that is why their version is not getting updated. The only exception is the iconic FontAwesome – it can be updated along with the Cherry Shortcodes plugin.

You can also add some external icons from Flaticon packages following the steps below:

  1. download font source code with the icons and upload them to the "wp-content/themes/themeXXXXX/assets/fonts" folder on your server.

  2. add the following code to the "wp-content/themes/themeXXXXX/functions.php" file:

    add_filter( ‘cherry_custom_font_icons’, ‘themeXXXXX_custom_font_icons’ );
    function themeXXXXX_custom_font_icons($icons) {
    		$icons[‘themeXXXXX_material_icon’] = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/fonts/';
    		return $icons;

Appearance tricks

Title with caption

In order to display the title and page text description in the following way, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. You need to enable Breadcrumbs option in Cherry Options:

  2. Each page includes the block called Additional page options , where you can see several view types:

    • Inherit
    • Don’t display
    • Show both - breadcrumbs and title
    • Show only page title
    • Show only breadcrumbs

    Choose to Show both - breadcrumbs and title

  3. Background image can be set in Page Settings - Featured image.

  4. In order to display text description right under the title, click the Screen Options, button in the top right corner and check the Excerpt option. Fill in the Excerpt field.

Wizard tricks

The solution of possible errors

  • {"wp-auth-check":true,"server_time":1441953170}
    WordPress “heart beat”, error is not the internal Wizard error. It occurs in case of delayed response from the server or when a certain script is not responding.
  • The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
    If such error occurs, click the "Retry" button, if you receive the same error at the same step, please contact the technical support and provide the following information:
  • Can not send activation request. connect() timed out! server is not responding, try again later (in 1-2 minutes).
  • Can not send activation request. Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT
    In case you see such error, this is due to the server configuration. Perhaps may not supports work with sessions, please contact the technical support.
  • The package could not be installed. The plugin contains no files. Plugin install failed.
    Please contact the technical support.
  • Activation request error 0-. Please try again later.
    User site not supports the remote HTTPS requests - please contact the technical support.